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Mississippi Scholarships Change Location

Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant
Created by the Mississippi Legislature, this program is designed to provide financial assistance to Mississippi residents attending state-approved public and private not-for-profit two-year and four-year eligible colleges and universities. The primary objective of MESG is to provide educational opportunities for high-achieving high school students who wish to pursue postsecondary education in the state.Eligibility Requirements for Entering Freshmen:Be a legal resident of the State of Mississippi for one year prior to high school or Home School completion.Earn a high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. (Home School applicants must submit a signed transcript of 9th...
Sep 15, 2024
Created by the Mississippi Legislature, this program is designed to provide financial assistance to Mississippi residents attending state-approved public and private not-for-profit two-year and four-year eligible colleges and universities. The primary objective of MESG is to provide educational opportunities for high-achieving high school students who wish to pursue postsecondary education in the state.Eligibility Requirements for Entering Freshmen:Be a legal resident of the State of Mississippi for one year prior to high school or Home School completion.Earn a high school cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. (Home School applicants must submit a signed transcript of 9th...
C. Lamar Meek Memorial Scholarship
The LMCA will award a $1,500 scholarship to one student each year to promote and encourage academic pursuits relating to medical and veterinary entomology. Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited college or university in the state of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma or Texas are eligible for this award. The award is named after Dr. Lamar Meek, who for many years worked to strengthen the LMCA and educate both students and the community about medical and forensic entomology.  He was a splendid educator and accomplished researcher at LSU. Apply online. 
Nov 01, 2024
The LMCA will award a $1,500 scholarship to one student each year to promote and encourage academic pursuits relating to medical and veterinary entomology. Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited college or university in the state of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma or Texas are eligible for this award. The award is named after Dr. Lamar Meek, who for many years worked to strengthen the LMCA and educate both students and the community about medical and forensic entomology.  He was a splendid educator and accomplished researcher at LSU. Apply online.