Anthony “Tony” Gobar Juvenile Justice Scholarship
Scholarship Sponsored by Community Foundation For Mississippi
The Anthony “Tony” Gobar Juvenile Justice Scholarship Fund will provide an annual scholarship based on both merit and need for a full-time junior or senior at a public university in Mississippi or at Southern University in Louisiana majoring in criminal justice, political science, social work, pre-law or counseling.
The student must have a stated career interest in juvenile justice or a similar field and have demonstrated a strong commitment to community and public service.
The scholarship is a one-time award up to $2,500 (non-renewable each year). The award may be used for tuition, books and room and board.
The selection committee for the Anthony “Tony” Gobar Scholarship will select finalists who meet the application deadline and stated selection criteria.
Students must be a U.S. citizen with a current grade point average no less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Demonstrated financial need must be provided via the student’s university or college financial aid office.
If a student meets the above-stated eligibility criteria, he/she must submit the following:
- The Anthony “Tony” Gobar Scholarship application form including a statement of career interest and a description of community and/or public service
- Three (3) letters of
- Financial aid information verified via the University or College Financial Aid Officer
Applications are due June 30, 2024
Awardees will be notified in writing and may be invited to receive their award during the Annual Mississippi Juvenile Justice Conference.
Go to Scholarship Application